Cédric Villani’s Office Responds to Concerns About McDonald’s Frauds

Official response from the office of Cédric Villani, Member of the French Parliament, addressing the concerns raised about the frauds by McDonald’s Corporation and its accomplices. The correspondence sent by his team, underscores Villani’s sensitivity and commitment to addressing these serious allegations. Despite his heavy professional commitments, the response reassures me that Cédric Villani’s office has given full attention to the issue and is prepared to take action if possible.
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2019-07-30_1817_0800_reply_from_cedric_villani_regarding_mcdonalds_fraud_case.pdf
Cédric Villani’s Parliamentary Assistant Claire-Anaïs Rigagneau
Re: Mr. Villani, I implore you, help me
Date sent: July 30, 2019, 18:17 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Vincent B. Le Corre
On behalf of Cédric Villani and his team, we have carefully read your email and are not insensitive to its contents.
At the moment, we are unable to provide specific assistance because Cédric Villani is under significant professional constraints, but rest assured that your message has captured our full attention, and if possible, we will take action. Unfortunately, we currently lack the time.
Thank you for your interest in Cédric Villani.
Kind regards,
Claire-Anaïs Rigagneau
Intern Parliamentary Assistant to Deputy Cédric Villani
National Assembly – 93 rue de l’université, Paris 7ème
06 [Phone number REDACTED] 93
To gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.